Thursday, September 24, 2009

United States of Wuss

Obama has renamed our country this week at the UN. Our once strong and proud nation is now a certified pushover on the world stage. Our own president is in the "blame America" crowd. It is embarrassing to see the total lack of leadership and backbone that our president exhibits. Of course the world loves him! He is conceding everything to them. His appeasement mentality is making our country weaker and the world loves it!

Also, I love his brilliant call to disarm the world of nuclear weapons. Only a retard would have all peaceful and law abiding nations rid themselves of nuclear arms. What would be left to fight against rouge hostile nations that WILL develop such weapons?! Hmmm? It's just like making gun prohibition laws. You will end up taking guns away from the good guys. Why? Because bad guys don't abide by the laws! A child can comprehend this concept. It really makes me wonder if Obama is just dumb, or is he trying to make our country less safe.

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