Thursday, September 24, 2009

United States of Wuss

Obama has renamed our country this week at the UN. Our once strong and proud nation is now a certified pushover on the world stage. Our own president is in the "blame America" crowd. It is embarrassing to see the total lack of leadership and backbone that our president exhibits. Of course the world loves him! He is conceding everything to them. His appeasement mentality is making our country weaker and the world loves it!

Also, I love his brilliant call to disarm the world of nuclear weapons. Only a retard would have all peaceful and law abiding nations rid themselves of nuclear arms. What would be left to fight against rouge hostile nations that WILL develop such weapons?! Hmmm? It's just like making gun prohibition laws. You will end up taking guns away from the good guys. Why? Because bad guys don't abide by the laws! A child can comprehend this concept. It really makes me wonder if Obama is just dumb, or is he trying to make our country less safe.

Friday, September 4, 2009

BOOGITY BOOGITY BOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been a while but I'm back. Unfortunately I don't write on this blog unless I am inspired to do so. Hence the "erratic" mention in my blog title.

Teri and I had an experience last night that I had to blog about. We watched a movie that we thought was going to be a suspense action film, but turned out to be more of a weird creepy movie. Teri and I NEVER watch horror movies or anything that may get too scary. For me those movies are dumb. I have never been scared in a movie in my life. I just can't seem to shake the thought that everything I am seeing is fake. The blood, guts, and gore are just not appealing to me, probably because I saw these things on the street as a police officer. Teri, on the other hand, gets so scared that she curls up into a ball and has nightmares for days. It is for these reasons that we just don't "go there" with movies. This brings me back to last night. Teri and I find ourselves an hour into a movie that was more creepy than we expected. I didn't mind but I knew that it was going to freak Teri out. In retrospect I feel bad that I messed with her so much after the movie. I kept saying that I saw the "boogie man" in all the dark corners of the house. I had a blast and fortunately Teri did not have a bad dream (yet).

I would like to weigh in on the whole monsters/aliens/ghosts argument. My response is blunt, simple, and most importantly, correct................................ B***S***! It is all a bunch of crap. There are no space men or alien spaceships or ghosts or ghouls or haunted houses. We live in a world of reality and science based upon logic and fact. Until I can meet a alien or ghost, I will not believe in them. Teri gets mad at me because I will occasionally defy and mock evil spirits and ghosts to "come and get me". Lucky for her, they have yet to cause me even a raised eyebrow. In order to support my argument I would like to cite an unexpected source, somebody who is an expert on the human condition and the feeble mindedness of most people. He stated, "People want to believe". It is brilliant and true. I just wish I could make millions of dollars on this premise like Criss Angel has. People buy into a lot of BS. Why do you think infomercials are so successful, and that Obama is president? I hate to break it to you, but there is NO reason to be afraid of what does not really exist.

Of course, as a Christian I believe in God. Some may say that one is unable to see God. Well, I have to call BS on that too. People see God in countless ways everyday. Look at the sky, the stars, and our human bodies. All of which are true miracles which appear in front of our very eyes. I can tell you that watching my baby son sleep is the closest thing that I have ever seen in my life to God. His innocence and peacefulness can bring me to tears at any moment. I just can't believe that God can trump that exponentially. God is more real to me than things whom others base their entire lives on (money, fame, power).

With Halloween approaching, please keep in mind that it may be fun to dress up as the boogie man, but don't get to scared because HE DOES NOT EXIST.

Nut has spoken.